7 Months With Miss Sol

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It has been almost 7 months with our Lillie Sol. The time has flown by in a way that I never expected. The newborn days and feeling like a zombie ALL day have passed but in a weird way I almost miss it. I honestly can’t even remember how tiny her little limbs were or how her eyes barely opened or even how tiny her newborn diapers fit. It all feels like a blur. I think the second time around you are just trying to say afloat – taking care of two kids, answering to everyones needs, and not having that same down time where all you do is lay around in bed all day taking care of one little human. I have school pick up, dinner to make, and legos to build. All in addition to nurturing a baby.

I am finally getting the hang of it all. Lillie and I have our morning routine – she nurses, we watch a little Wendy Williams (no judgement please ;), and play. She is so active and alert. We call her our nosy girl because she needs to be involved in everything and is extremely curious. Mid feed she will pop off my breast to check out who is talking, laugh a little, give me a smile, and then continue nursing. She is fiercely attached to mama and in the last week she has started nuzzling her sweet, soft cheeks into my neck when I pick her up. Even when I am exhausted and feeling like if one more person touches me I might scream, her hugs get me every time. She is talking up a storm and can babble for hours on end. I’m prettyyyyy sure her first word will be mama. Sorry dad!

Lillie Sol, you have rocked our world. We prayed for you and God gifted us with your beautiful soul. At just 7 months you are feisty, tenacious, and hilarious. You were the missing piece to our family puzzle and I am the luckiest mama in the world. My daughter! Te amo princesa!

Images taken by Mary Grace


  1. Jasna 02.25.2016

    This is so beautiful! Your kids are precious!

    • nicole.amaris@gmail.com 02.25.2016

      Thank you!!! xx

  2. Katrin 02.25.2016

    You are the coolest mom out there! Every picture of you and your family is so pure! Thank you for sharing!! x

    • nicole.amaris@gmail.com 02.29.2016

      You are so sweet – thank you so very much!!!!


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