IMG_6914 IMG_6911 IMG_6924IMG_6897In case it wasn’t clear by the recent posts featuring my expanding waist line – we are expecting baby #2! I really should have written this post weeks ago but I’m going to go ahead and blame my pregnancy brain here.

I’m 17 weeks today and I’m finally starting to feel a bit like myself again. The first trimester was a doozy. Nothing like my pregnancy with Lucas (in which I was the girl who was glowing, feeling top notch, and had energy to burn). A few highlights from my first trimester:

+ crying for hours over the state of our bathroom (we are in the midst of renovating said bathroom) and scaring the bejeezus out of Ivan who I think seriously questioned my mental stability in that moment.

+ morning sickness. afternoon sickness. evening sickness.

+ cringing/crying at the thought of brushing my teeth. see above.

+ saying hello to blemishes and blotchy/red skin.

+ exhaustion from the miracle of life going on in my body AND taking care of my high energy toddler.

+ being an emotional seesaw – highs were HIGH, lows were LOW.

That being said, we are over the moon for our little bebe coming in August! A few weeks into my second trimester and I’m finally getting into the swing of things. When I think of holding a squishy, beautiful newborn in just a few months it’s enough to make my heart skip a beat and feel all of of the love struck feelings that be. Sometimes I catch a glance at my growing belly in the mirror and I still can’t believe it – we’re having a baby!