On Thursday my sweet boy turned two years old. For weeks I have been an emotional wreck but as Ivan and I sat on the couch Wednesday evening blowing up balloons, it finally hit me. Two is going to be good.
When Lucas woke up he shouted from his crib, per usual..”mama! dada!”. Ivan and I jumped out of bed and rushed to our big boy, armed with smiles and the camera. We sang an off key version of happy birthday and watched him play with his balloons. Once he had enough and asked for his milk, daddy left for work and we got ready for the day. I have been wanting to take Lucas to the Children’s museum of Manhattan for some time and so I thought turning two was the perfect occasion. He had a blast exploring however spent a majority of his time in the big fire truck, passing out fireman hats to all the kids. Some things never change! We had pizza for lunch and headed home for a nap. That evening a few friends and family came over for wine and cupcakes. It really was the perfect day for my big boy.
It’s only been a few days since the big two but I swear I can already see a transformation in Lucas. He’s talking more and his behavior just seems more indicative of a boy, not a baby. My favorites have to be when I say something to him and he responds “oh, okay” as well as “tank ooo so much mama”. I mean, melt my heart why don’t ya! Turning two makes for a well mannered boy? I’ll take it. I’m already loving everything about this age and don’t ask me how it’s possible, but my heart is filled with a never ending love that seems to grow every day.
Lucas Leon, you are loved. So loved. Happy 2nd birthday my beautiful boy! 




It’s 1 am and I’m officially 29. Twenty eight you did me well. I was challenged in my work life, survived living in a studio with two boys and a dog, started this here little blog, watched my son become a toddler, met amazing new friends, and loved. Oh love. You were there with me in abundance. To my fiancé: thank you for challenging me, accepting me, and loving the crazy woman that I can sometimes (ok..always) be. To my son: you are my superstar. You have shown me a love I didn’t even know existed. I am proud and honored to be your mama. To my friends: my rocks. My anchors. You love me. You love Lucas. And for me, that is everything.
This year, more than ever, I am finally growing up. Becoming a woman I am proud of. I am a role model to my son, keeper of my friends secrets, and a darn good wife. Not without faults of course, but nevertheless I accept these discrepancies like a badge of honor, because a flawed woman is still beautiful. She accepts her weaknesses and strives to be better. For herself and for her family. And that my friends takes courage. Hi 29 – and welcome.


Sundays are not for rest – they are for celebrating with loved ones. Clearly! Yesterday we took a trip to Jersey (gasp) to get our birthday brunch on for our dear friend Ruby. The party took place at Lucas’s god mamas house (who we lovingly refer to as ‘nina’) and I was blown away. Ana created a variety of “bars”: popcorn, coffee, and my personal favorite – mimosas. No detail was overlooked. The affair was intimate, just our closest pals, and we had the best time. Lucas of course thought the party was for him and showed off his best dance moves as well as tried to eat the cake before the birthday girl. I don’t know where gets it from. Must be his daddy. And if you haven’t already noticed, my tootsies are on a summer strike. C’mon Fall. We are ready for you!

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May 8th. Twenty nine years ago the love of my life was born. Goodness gracious I am head over heels for this man. I’m so very thankful that 10 years later we are STILL celebrating together.IMG_3952-1024x683 My sweet man – I wish you 100 more fabulous birthdays. And I pray I am lucky enough to share each and every one with you.