v1386738311.307017.IMG_68971386738327.186352.IMG_68921386738325.855196.IMG_68931386738285.882445.IMG_6905201312110025221386738324.487513.IMG_68941386738273.388127.IMG_69071386714315.974488.IMG_6813This week flew by. Between work, friends, and days in the park, the days seemed to pass in a flash. Today my dear friend Lauren and that beautiful kiddo of her fly back to to the sunshine state (my little Lucas is also flying to Florida with grandma today. I’ll save the sob fest that’s currently happening for a later post..). I’m going to miss them something fierce. With each visit and face time call, our friendship continues to blossom and is solidified in a very real, organic, beautiful way. Lucas and Dylan are brothers by way of their soul mate mamas and their friendship is something I’m so excited to see grow. The way Lucas yells for “Diiiaannn” and the way his eyes grow wide and bright when he sees his friends face is heart melting. On this visit they finally got to meet my other half and Ivan finally, finally, understands what all the fuss is about when it comes to the Noel’s. Ivan instantly bonded with Dylan and text me throughout their trip to check on them. Lots of mush and loving going on over here in NYC. Until next time my sweet loves. 


  1. Erin Hawkins 12.12.2013

    Awww sweet post! I love the brooklyn hat! So precious! And ofcourse, the headwrap is GORG!


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