I was the mama who left everything to the last minute. This left me a frantic mess while planning Lucas’s party. Instead of boring you with the details of how I ran from store to store, almost having a birthday breakdown, I’ll tell you this. Friends, family, and lots of love – that’s all that matters. At the end of the day our loved ones made my Lucas’s 2nd birthday bash an amazing one.

385512157.594842.IMG_46691385512160.654205.IMG_4667IMG_4663IMG_43542013112619234020131126192438IMG_4665There are really no fancy pinterest details to share..sorry to disappoint! We all gathered at my aunt’s brownstone in Brooklyn and ate lots of delicious food, drank copious amounts of red wine, watched toddlers dance merengue, and shared lots of amazing conversation and laughter. Even friends that couldn’t be there physically were there in spirit. See that amazing cake topper? My dear and crazy talented friend Lauren made it just for Lucas and it was the perfect touch.

So thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our friends and family that came to celebrate with us. My heart is full knowing how much Lucas is loved. You have all been, and continue to be, an immensely important of his life and please know you are all helping to mold my son into an amazing, loving young man. And to Lucas: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You are my everything. My moon, my stars, my sky. I’m the luckiest mama in the world.Your birthday may be over but I promise to celebrate you each and every day.

Side note: My computer ate almost 300 birthday photos from my big girl camera and left me with about 20. I can’t find a way to recover the photos (If any of you are apple geniuses and would like to come to my house, I pay in cupcakes.). Yes, I cried. Then I had to take a step back and realize that no matter how much it sucks, because it does suck..big time.., what matters are the memories we created. And thank goodness for iPhones and friends that take photos.

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