In our old apartment we mostly ate around a small parsons table (or the couch if I’m being totally honest). We lived in such tight quarters that a formal dining room was not an option. I really missed serving dinner and sitting around the table as a family – talking, laughing, and sharing stories about our day. When we moved one of the things I was most excited for was our new dining room (still a decorating work in progress ;). I had seen the Stokke Tripp Trapp in the homes of many of our friends but never knew what the fuss about. Until now. I seriously don’t know how we lived without this incredible highchair. When it first arrived I wasn’t sure how Lucas would like it as he has been using a more traditional highchair for so long. I kid you not he climbed right on with the biggest smile and proclaimed “it’s dinner time!”. There are so many things I love about the Tripp Trapp and I could go on and on but here are a few of my favorite features: The structure and height. It’s incredibly easy for Lucas to climb on and off and it gives him the feeling of independence which is so important at this age. He also loves to strap himself in and the harness is extremely comfortable and non-restricting. The footplate. Lucas’s legs are growing like weeds and the footplate makes a huge difference in his comfort (no more dangling limbs!). The gorgeous color. Storm Grey. It’s the perfect color and works in any home aesthetic. This shade launched just this week (!!) and is the newest color in the Tripp Trapp family. It grows with your child. The Tripp Trapp can be used from birth to adulthood. Ivan and I both tested it out and we definitely fit comfortably in the chair. A huge thank you to Stokke for sending Lucas the raddest highchair ever!

The weekends are sort of my favorite. Especially Saturdays. We usually wake up, chug some coffee, and head out wherever the NYC wind takes us. On this particular Saturday we headed to Harlem and wound up at a local BBQ joint for ribs and all the trimmings. Also, leftovers for 2 days? Yes, please! I adore these shots Ivan took during our stroll. Almost 3 years young and Lucas still loves his mami to carry him. My back might be aching but my heart is so very full.
antique silver hair clip c/o luv aj x sunnie brook
I remember keeping track of Lucas’s every milestone while in my belly. Every night I would lay in bed with my What to Expect When You’re Expecting book and talk (and talk) Ivan’s ear off. “He’s the size of an orange this week!”. Now my favorite go-to pregnancy book and website has created the perfect app for mamas. It’s made to sync seamlessly with your iPhone and iPad so you can switch back and forth without losing any information and logging in over and over. Expectant moms can track their pregnancy and for those with more than one child you can also look up info for your older kiddos – genius! It’s free, amazing, and a mama must. Download it here.
Disclaimer: this post has been sitting in my drafts folder for months! No time like the present I suppose 😉
A few of our faves while in Nola:
Slim Goodies – Amazing iced coffee and the most adorable back patio with chickens. Because who doesn’t love chickens with their coffee?
The Court of Two Sisters – Very tradition, New Orleans style brunch. While we ate a jazz band played and it was pretty amazing. Brunch was buffet style and it was a treat to try so many different New Orleans staples. Seafood bendict? Yes, please!
Kawaii Nola – Because..kawaii! We bought Lucas a teeny kawaii Ninja Turtle as his NOLA souvenir.
Dr Bob Art – Famous for his ‘Be Nice or Leave’ art work, this place is seriously so cool. You can tour his studio and we even saw the famous artist at work.
Peche – Hands down one of our very favorite restaurants while in NOLA.
Bike Nola – You can rent bikes to tour the city but my favorite part of this rental shop was their amazing vintage and thrifted goods. We brought home a skull head that is hanging in our living room.
So in short, NOLA is a MUST see. Ivan and I had the most glorious time eating, drinking, and experiencing the amazing culture. I am itching to go back! Have you been to New Orleans? I’d love to hear your recommendations for our next visit!
Our loves at Freshly Picked have done it again (how they always seem to outdo themselves, I will never know!). Lucas received his new moccs last week and they were packed inside FP’s new packaging which is pure genius. A Freshly Picked Garden! All I had to do was cut open the sides and voila! Lucas spent about an hour (which is A LOT in toddler time) peeling his stickers and “planting” his garden. The stickers have everything from seeds, to carrots, to flowers. Everything you need for an adorable cardboard garden. We have kept it in the living room all week and every day he has been revamping and replanting. We pretty much love you forever Freshly Picked!

I just love this sweet face. Te adoro Lucas León.