This is my fifth post for volume IV of the sling diaries: everything shines. You can follow along with my fellow sakura loves here. I am wearing the simple silk baby sling in midnight.
“Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.”
One of the most important jobs we have as parents is mastering the art of listening. Often times with the hustle and bustle of being a mama, listening – I mean really listening – to our children gets lost. There’s dinner to be made, diapers to be changed, laundry to be folded, and toys to clean up. I get it. Moms are the busiest human beings on the planet. However that is not an excuse for our children’s voice and words to get lost.
Lucas’s language skills are blossoming at a rapid face. He thrives on engagement and his favorite person in the world to chat with is his mama. We are constantly having conversations and man I just love hearing him articulate his thoughts. I make sure to ask him about his day every evening. We chat about color and cars..ya know..worldly topics for a two year old. I encourage him to express his emotions. When he’s sad I ask him why. When he’s happy I embrace his joy and laugh with him. Even if it’s after a toot because who am I kidding, toddler farts are hilarious.
I never want Lucas to feel I am too busy to listen to him. His words are the the most important thing in the world to me and I want him to know his voice matters. I long for him to be a man who isn’t afraid to express the type of emotions deemed “feminine” by our society. I want him to be strong with a voice that is not big, but instead thoughtful. I know that this beautiful voice of his is being shaped now. That he requires my full attention, witty banter, and more often than not – my silence. The art of listening will flourish in our home, I promise you that my sweet boy.
floral head piece c/o iweartheheadress