It changed me for the better.
I look back on my early twenties and remember all the complaints..the moaning and groaning when I couldn’t wiggle my skinny bottom into a pair of jeans. Or how I just had to lose an extra pound or two. Truthfully, I’m still working on my post-baby confidence and have found myself in moments of weakness wishing I could somehow instantly transform my body. But then I step back and remind myself of the bigger picture.
My tummy might be soft to the touch but I am thankful. Thankful for my body that for months carried and protected my gift from God until he was ready to meet us. And then there are the times we are snuggled in bed and Lucas lifts my shirt to rub my stomach. He turns his head up to look at me and gives me a smile filled with so much love it almost hurts.
My thighs may have cellulite but I am thankful. Thankful that I have strong legs that allow me to run and chase my free spirited boy.
My arms may jiggle but I am thankful. Thankful that each night I rock my baby until I can hear a soft snore in my ear and I feel his body go heavy and I know he his dreaming. Arms that can throw my son in the air and make him giggle like nobodies business. Arms that wrap around his small body when he’s scared or upset and only mama can comfort him.
My breast feeding journey began with a baby who wouldn’t latch, nights of crying and no sleep, but I am thankful. Thankful that I never gave up and that for one full year I was able to nourish my son and watch those plump cheeks and delicious thighs grow because he was getting all the nutrients he needed from his mama. A gift only I could have given him.
My nails are short, never painted, and I’m lucky if I remember to moisturize my poor hands, but I am thankful. Thankful for the tiny paw that fits perfectly into mine and who holds onto me as we walk hand in hand on our adventures.
My face is often naked and under eye bags are front and center but I am thankful. Thankful because my unadorned cheeks are your favorite to kiss.
When I look in the mirror I am most certainly not perfect. There are a million flaws to be seen, circled, and criticized. But then I think of my son, my creation. Who looks at me with a love so fierce, it’s penetrating. Who never cares if my hair is washed or if my nails are manicured. His love has given me the confidence of the most beautiful super model in the world. Unlike said super model, I don’t make a million bucks a day, but I am paid in infinite kisses, impromptu dance shows, half eaten cookies covered in slobber, and a love that is never ending. I think I know who the winner is here. So thank you mi amor, for giving me a confidence I never knew existed. Until you.