We are huge fans of Earth Mama Angel Baby in our home. We have been using their products since Lucas was an itty bitty munchkin. In fact, one of my earliest memories of using Earth Mama Angel Baby was while breastfeeding Lucas and slathering on this miracle butter.

Even though Lucas is a toddler he is still my baby! Right? Right! After Lucas finishes his nightly bath part of our routine is wrapping him up in a towel, lots of hugs, and making sure he is covered head to toe in lotion. I’m completely obsessed with this Calming Lavender Lotion. The scent is mild but just so delicious at the same time and reminds me of Lucas’s baby smell (because who doesn’t wish they could just bottle up that scent forever?). Besides smelling divine, the ingredients are a win for this mama. It’s formulated with organic Calendula and herbal ingredients and is free of any synthetic fragrance or parabens. You can read more about this fantastic company here.

*Disclaimer: These photos were taken pre Lucas’s hair chop. Sniff sniff. *


In our old apartment we mostly ate around a small parsons table (or the couch if I’m being totally honest). We lived in such tight quarters that a formal dining room was not an option. I really missed serving dinner and sitting around the table as a family – talking, laughing, and sharing stories about our day. When we moved one of the things I was most excited for was our new dining room (still a decorating work in progress ;). I had seen the Stokke Tripp Trapp in the homes of many of our friends but never knew what the fuss about. Until now. I seriously don’t know how we lived without this incredible highchair. When it first arrived I wasn’t sure how Lucas would like it as he has been using a more traditional highchair for so long. I kid you not he climbed right on with the biggest smile and proclaimed “it’s dinner time!”. There are so many things I love about the Tripp Trapp and I could go on and on but here are a few of my favorite features: The structure and height. It’s incredibly easy for Lucas to climb on and off and it gives him the feeling of independence which is so important at this age. He also loves to strap himself in and the harness is extremely comfortable and non-restricting. The footplate. Lucas’s legs are growing like weeds and the footplate makes a huge difference in his comfort (no more dangling limbs!). The gorgeous color. Storm Grey. It’s the perfect color and works in any home aesthetic. This shade launched just this week (!!) and is the newest color in the Tripp Trapp familyIt grows with your child. The Tripp Trapp can be used from birth to adulthood. Ivan and I both tested it out and we definitely fit comfortably in the chair. A huge thank you to Stokke for sending Lucas the raddest highchair ever!  


Be still my heart. Is there anything sexier than a daddy who carries his baby? I think not. Back to the point of this post ; ) We are loving, loving, loving our 7 A.M. Cygnet baby cover. Lucas has been carried since birth and it is such an essential part of our daily routine with him – even at two years old. The Cygnet cover is a life savor. Many times when we are carrying Lucas his pants ride up a bit exposing his little ankles and fussing with a blanket to cover his legs plus a bag plus bulky outerwear = annoying. The cover snaps right on to any carrier using velcro and keeps your baby nice and snug while being fuss free. It’s super light weight (seriously, it weighs nothing!) and is water proof to boot. I highly recommend this to all my fellow baby wearing mamas!
Don’t forget about the amazing giveaway going on via Instagram. New winners are being chosen every night. Enter to win amazing 7 A.M. loot!


In this house we are 7 A.M. ENFANT loyals. Our very first experience with 7 A.M. was with their 212 Evolution blanket. We never looked back. The quality and durability far surpasses any other children’s outwear brands we had tried in the past. The cherry on top? The designs and colors are just beautiful. Living in NYC where we are out and about constantly with the trains and walking being our primary modes of transport, having Lucas bundled up in something warm and aesthetically beautiful is important to me. Our 212 Evolution blanket just got us through our second winter and it is still in impeccable condition. I love that it can be used for our second child and will look like new. Our Warm Muffs are my new favorite. They come in an array of amazing colors but I’m partial to the neon pink 😉 It is such a hassle to remove my gloves anytime Lucas needs something while we are strolling and it’s freezing outside. These make for a warm, comfy ride with easy access to my tot while we are on the move. LOVE! Now for the really amazing news. I’m hosting an incredible giveaway over on Instagram. It’s a 5 day giveaway bonanza (!!) and it’s going to be gooood. There will be a winner chosen each night who will receive 7 A.M. goodies so make sure you’re following along. Also, stay tuned tomorrow when I will be posting a review on the Cygnet baby carrier cover featuring my handsome hubs. 


Lucas and I love us some mail. In particular the kind that comes stuffed to brim with the most adorable, quality goods for the two of us. A few weeks ago we received A Little Bundle as a gift and I was floored upon opening it and discovering the most amazing, lovely items inside! Ok – so what is A Little Bundle? It’s a monthly service that delivers a curated bundle/box right for both you and your child (up to two years!) right to your doorstep. Each individual item is hand selected based on your needs and preferences. One of my favorite things about the service? Each month you receive a card to fill out for your child and save as a compilation of love letters. What is sweeter than that? Genius I tell you! Learn more and subscribe here. Also be sure to follow along on Instagram where you can learn about new products, enter giveaways, and be the first to see sneak peeks! 


timecapsulellvThe Time Capsule. Basically one of the most genius ideas I’ve come across in a long time. The baby market is flooded with gift ideas and it can become both redundant and overwhelming. I promise I have found the perfect solution to your gifting needs. The Time Capsule was dreamed up after Andy Warhol’s famous cardboard box. He was known for putting in tidbits of his every day life in a brown box and once it was filled, he would seal it, date it, and start all over with a new box. Over the course of his life, he created over 600 capsules, all filled with the contents of his life. ThusTime Capsules was born. I can’t think of a cooler way to create your own capsule of memories for your children.
The packaging is stunning. Clean, sleek, and timeless. Enclosed comes everything you need to create your time capsule – a book to write notes/diary entries/quotes, gorgeous paper, tags for the items you’d like to include, and an extra strong sealing strip to close up your capsule once your finished. For Lucas’s time capsule I am including the following:
first pair of chucks
mama and baby hospital bracelets
the very first articles of clothing he ever wore at the hospital
a memento from his baby shower
1st birthday candle 
ticket from his first trip to the Central Park Zoo
newborn diaper (clean, of course!)
newspapers from the day he was born
I am still working on his capsule. I am filling out his notebook and printing photos to include. I can’t wait to share the finished time capsule before I seal it up. This will be an epic 18th birthday gift for Lucas, don’t you think? For a while, you could only purchase all this awesomeness in Europe but it is now available in the US! You can purchase yours via the adorable shop Perfectly Smitten.