Oh ya know. Just a typical laid back afternoon with the boys. Cheetos (eep!), video games, and lots and lots of cuddles. I just love these two. Mine all mine. And that top knot? Swoon. My mother may or may not be trying to persuade me into taking the boy for a haircut but I am just loving this length. The back of his hair is starting to curl up again (we lost all his baby curls after his first cut a year ago. A YEAR!) and it’s giving me all the long hair don’t care feelings.
October. Apple picking month! We headed off to Warwick, NY to visit Ochs Orchard – about a two hour drive outside of the city – and it was wonderful. Lucas had a blast exploring and eating apples that were pretty much the most delicious of all the apples in New York (really!). He loved running up and down the orchard and helping us select the best ones to take home. Needless to say he slept like a dream that night and we have been finding all the creative ways to chow down on our seemingly endless supply of apples at home. On Lucas: hoodie c/o little boogaweezin | beanie c/o kira kids
Last Sunday was perfect. I woke up one day last week and decided I wanted to go row boating in Central Park. 29 years in this city and I had never been. I told Ivan that it was a “I need to cross this off my bucket list before I’m 30” kinda thing and he happily obliged. We woke up, walked to The Boat House, and got it done. It was magical and hilarious. Magical in only the way New York City can be. Sometimes it stops me in my tracks, this gorgeous city. Hilarious because rowing those boats are not easy and well, Ivan got a pretty decent work out with those oars. Those biceps are making me all sorts of school girl giddy Well worth it my love! Lucas had a blast until he didn’t. He lasted a solid 45 minutes on the boat before declaring “time to go home”. Well then.My boys sure know how to make this mama happy. Boating with the boys – the best.
Even when our mornings consist of lots of lazy hangs we can usually muster up the energy to make our way out in the afternoon. Oh Saturday. You are the perfect balance and the perfect day for us as a family. We got our act together and cruised to the park. I can’t get enough of the perfect weather. Just the right amount of chill to make you feel all the cozy feelings. Ya know? I also wanted to talk a bit about Lucas’s perfect little beanie. Hand made by one of the sweetest mamas (hands down on this one) I have had the pleasure of getting to know. Jen is a mom and founder of Prjona Plym. She hand knits her beanies with so much love and Lucas’s “I Will Shine” hat is a favorite of mine. It’s a gift I will treasure. You can shop more of her hats here. “Free Sprit” is another fave. I mean..so good! hot dog raglan c/o kira kids | trousers c/o no sweet kids | boots c/o bogs
I’m a lucky girl. Florida means family for me. And this lady is my long distance sister. And those adorable boys of hers? They are my world. We talk on the phone. We face time. A LOT (oh hey husbands, sorry about that ;). But there’s nothing like seeing those beautiful faces in the flesh. We got to spend one glorious day together sharing lots of laughs and piña coladas. It was also the first time our significant others got to meet and it just solidified everything in a way. Does that make sense? I hope so. Either way, I’m missing my babes but I treasure the memories we got to create and I can’t wait to see my clan again in just 4 short months. Hip hip to magical friendships.
^^Thanks Mom. For the photo and the thumb print ;)^^
I’m torn. I am missing this beach and that pool something fierce. However it has been such a pleasure sleeping with the windows open the last few nights and feeling the cool breeze fill the room. I not so secretly adore NYC Fall! Autumn lovings aside, we had the best 10 days filled with hot Florida sun and lots and lots of time spent by the water. There is something about the beach that fills my soul with an overwhelming sense of calm and peace. Clearwater, we will back before you know it.
Clearwater, Florida. You have my heart forever. I have been traveling down to the Sunshine state to visit my aunties since I was a baby and Lucas has followed suit. We spent the last 10 days soaking in lots of family time, backyard hangs, and endless hours sans shoes and pants. What’s better than a toddler running around with a garden hose and thinking it’s the best thing ever? Not much I tell you. We all had such a wonderful time and it was a much needed break from reality. I apologize in advance for the photo dumps coming your way this week. We were greeted at the airport by a familiar crisp breeze and it looks like Fall will be arriving right on time. Summer you were so good to us and you will be missed. Now bring on the pumpkin spiced lattes!
Sunday August 10th was glorious. Lucas’s baptism. Before heading to Church, Ivan, Lucas and I (and the entire Ninja Turtle squad) took a stroll through Central Park. The weather was perfect. Everything was perfect. Including Lucas’s cream linen suit – a gift from his amazing Madrina (Godmother). The only mistake we made was passing a park full of kids. Lucas promptly proclaimed he wanted to go down the slide and well, linen and slides just don’t mix. After we were able to coax him away (no easy feat FYI) we walked down Central Park West. I can’t explain the feeling of approaching the Church and seeing so many familiar, beautiful faces. Friends and family, all who love our little guy to pieces. They were all there to celebrate this special day and it was the best gift a mama could receive. To know you have a village who will always be there for your child. The ceremony only had one minor hiccup. Lucas insisted on playing with his Ninja Turtles and I might have broken out into a small sweat trying to get him to sit down. Turtles aside, Lucas was an absolute gem with the Priest and was extremely calm during the act of Baptism. After the ceremony we all headed back to our apartment for good food, wine, and a celebration cake with sparklers, of course. We love you Lucas León. May you have a beautiful journey learning about your faith and yourself. Mami and Papi will be by your side always and forever, helping to guide you in any way we can.
The weekends are sort of my favorite. Especially Saturdays. We usually wake up, chug some coffee, and head out wherever the NYC wind takes us. On this particular Saturday we headed to Harlem and wound up at a local BBQ joint for ribs and all the trimmings. Also, leftovers for 2 days? Yes, please! I adore these shots Ivan took during our stroll. Almost 3 years young and Lucas still loves his mami to carry him. My back might be aching but my heart is so very full.
About once a month we like to mosey uptown to our closest Target. Not because we need anything in particular (good grief walking into that store is a TRAP!) but simply because we enjoy the walk. This trip in particular had purpose – a new Ninja Turtle for the boy. Because you can never have enough turtles. We stopped for a cherry icee and Lucas was nice enough to share with mama (although none was spared for daddy). When we finally made it to Target Lucas couldn’t decide which turtle he wanted. These are hard decisions people! After about half hour of serious deliberation he settled on a turtle lunch box and puzzle. Wins.
And it must be noted that little boys who wear pink are bosses. I am loving his new tank from Kid + Kind. You must take a moment to check out this absolutely darling shop.
Also, this. A campaign that is supporting and encouraging kids to wear any color they choose – regardless of their gender. Started by Martine Zoer founder of Quirkie Kids, she is using her shop (chock full of PINK!) and campaign to spread tolerance of individual expression amongst kids and their peers – adults included. #freetowearpink