
It’s 1 am and I’m officially 29. Twenty eight you did me well. I was challenged in my work life, survived living in a studio with two boys and a dog, started this here little blog, watched my son become a toddler, met amazing new friends, and loved. Oh love. You were there with me in abundance. To my fiancé: thank you for challenging me, accepting me, and loving the crazy woman that I can sometimes (ok..always) be. To my son: you are my superstar. You have shown me a love I didn’t even know existed. I am proud and honored to be your mama. To my friends: my rocks. My anchors. You love me. You love Lucas. And for me, that is everything.
This year, more than ever, I am finally growing up. Becoming a woman I am proud of. I am a role model to my son, keeper of my friends secrets, and a darn good wife. Not without faults of course, but nevertheless I accept these discrepancies like a badge of honor, because a flawed woman is still beautiful. She accepts her weaknesses and strives to be better. For herself and for her family. And that my friends takes courage. Hi 29 – and welcome.


photo1A little late night rambling. So here we go. I always dreamed of having a blog. When I was pregnant with Lucas, catching up on mommy blogs was my nightly ritual. They made me laugh, cry, and feel inspired. With a ton of support I finally decided to take a leap of faith, leave behind what I felt was “comfortable”, and start my dream project: Lillies and Leon. This whole blogging thing, though still very new to me, has filled my soul in a way that is so very satisfying. I have met so many amazing people and feel inspired to work on new ventures that in the past would have only been a passing dream.

Today was just one of those good, good days. I got to work with an amazing team of mamas and saw a vision come to life that just a week ago were words in an email (which by the way I can’t wait to share). Just surreal. I feel blessed to be on this journey, wherever it takes me, and so incredibly lucky to share with all of you. I kind of hope you stay a while and keep me company. End rambling. Goodnight loves.