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“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2018.”

Lillie: Whenever we are apart, even a short amount of time, you have theeee biggest, cheesy grin on your face when I come back to get you. You have always been happy to see me but recently its turned into a full on love fest when we’re reunited. I love you my beautiful girl!

Lucas: Last week I took away your iPad for a week. I honestly thought you would be asking me for it every single day until Friday. Instead you have completely surprised me. You haven’t asked for it once (not counting the first day when you begged me to give it back :). Today we sat down on the living room floor to play cards and in the middle of the game you looked up and asked me what day you were getting your iPad back. Immediately after you responded with “You know what mama? I’m really surprised with myself because I haven’t thought about the iPad at all. I don’t think I really need the iPad much anymore.” You are always full of surprises my love.

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