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Dear my beautiful Sol,

Happy birthday! Two years around the sun! You came into our lives on August 1, 2015 and since then our world has been filled with magic and so much love. You completed our family in a way I can’t even begin to properly describe into words. You are FUNNY – so so funny and witty and cheeky. I have yet to meet another child who can roll their eyes the way you can. Sassy is putting it lightly. You still love to nurse and you refer to it as “goodnight” and recently you’ve been saying “I want boob!”. Your kisses are magical and your hugs are amazing. You are so affectionate and constantly tell Lucas, daddy, and I how much you love us. One of my favorite things ever is when you say “huggy time”. Your hair is growing and even though we’ve trimmed it, those little ringlets seem like they are here to stay and I am beyond thrilled for you to have daddy’s hair. You and your brother have the most incredible relationship and I am in awe of the bond you have formed together. You love baby dolls and playing in your kitchen but you also love Pokemon and legos.

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. I am so proud and honored to be your mama. You are forever mine and I am forever yours.


Photos taken yesterday during a birthday trip to Wave Hill. Lillie’s outfit is from Telegraph Ave

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