
Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset
 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
Lucas: You are my official gardner – keeper of all our plants. You love to help spray them down (as well as yourself..of course). PS – You’re going to be the BEST big brother!
Bebe: Oh my word. My CHILDREN. Here you are beautiful bebe at just 13 weeks. We love you.


We are huge fans of Earth Mama Angel Baby in our home. We have been using their products since Lucas was an itty bitty munchkin. In fact, one of my earliest memories of using Earth Mama Angel Baby was while breastfeeding Lucas and slathering on this miracle butter.

Even though Lucas is a toddler he is still my baby! Right? Right! After Lucas finishes his nightly bath part of our routine is wrapping him up in a towel, lots of hugs, and making sure he is covered head to toe in lotion. I’m completely obsessed with this Calming Lavender Lotion. The scent is mild but just so delicious at the same time and reminds me of Lucas’s baby smell (because who doesn’t wish they could just bottle up that scent forever?). Besides smelling divine, the ingredients are a win for this mama. It’s formulated with organic Calendula and herbal ingredients and is free of any synthetic fragrance or parabens. You can read more about this fantastic company here.

*Disclaimer: These photos were taken pre Lucas’s hair chop. Sniff sniff. *


4:52“A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
So I was warned about three but in case you were wondering the sass is real. Very real. In fact, I mentioned this in your 2nd portrait but it’s worth mentioning again because that face. We’re also obsessed with “tatoons” around here, especially those of the ninja turtle variety.



Transitioning Lucas into his big boy bed was a very big deal for all involved. I may have cried the first few nights (my baby!) and Lucas, although excited, would frequently get up in the middle of the night yelling for either Ivan or I. Although we have come a long way and I consider Lucas to be a big boy champ (!!) we still have nights where he wakes up frightened at some ungodly hour calling for us.

I was super stoked to try Glow Away with Lucas. It’s the absolute cutest set and it comes with a story book and coordinating duvet cover. The book illustrations are adorable and the story is even better – a cute, furry kiddo Boo, who casts a magical spell to protect his buddy Sam from monsters under the bed! Lucas absolutely loves it and we have been reading it every night.  The duvet glows in the dark and when the lights are turned off the magic spell appears. Lucas just about lost it when he saw this – “WOW!!!!”. The Glow Away book has become such a fun part of our bedtime routine and Lucas is at such a rad age that spells and magic really ignite his imagination. You can order your set here and ps – not only is this amazing for the kiddos it’s also impeccably made, super soft and aesthetically beautiful. Win win! 


3:52“A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
After this baking session (and the huge mess) Lucas has been asking to “make a cake!” every day.

1/52 & 2/52

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Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset2/52

“A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

I’ve been behind on posting but better late than never! I went back and forth on starting this project again but decided to go for it. It’s just so special to look through Lucas’s portraits from 2014 and see how much he grew and changed with each passing week – little changes that seems to go unnoticed with life, busy schedules…how sweet it is to look at these photographs and just study his face and how much he transformed into a little boy. I’m looking forward to challenging myself and capturing my guy this year. Are you starting The 52 Project? If so I’d love to check your portraits out. Good luck my fellow mamas and happy snapping.

1/52: Your very first train ride of 2015 – headed to Queens to visit Abuela.

2/52: Three. You are full of SASS. Here you are explaining to me why you shouldn’t be put in a time out.


The weather was unseasonably warm last weekend which meant lots of layers to take on and off and a trip to Brooklyn. I got the chance to wear my new favorite wardrobe staple and rock it for a while sans jacket. Heavenly! I had been drooling over For Love and Lemons Knitz Collection for months and when they sent me their Solstice Sweater I was in sweater love! I mean. Sweater. Perfection. Will Ivan find it acceptable if I wear it everyday? Here’s hoping. You can head over to Babiekins to see a few more photos.

Lucas was dressed in head to toe cute (yes, cute) in his Duck Egg Republic hoodie and trousers. This insanely adorable company is based in Poland and is full of classic styles perfect for both boys and girls. I love the simple, modern designs and the fact that I can easily transition the pieces for Spring. And yes, I’m ready for you warm weather!


2015! You’re here!
2014 was filled with love and so many blessings for my family. We moved into a new apartment, our boy turned three and said goodbye to his beloved pacifier, we made it through potty training, and my love and I both turned thirty – THIRTY! Throughout every up (and down) we persevered and kicked 2014’s ass.
I’m so looking forward to see what 2015 will bring. Fulfilling goals career wise, spending time with my loved ones, traveling, and cultivating an all around fabulous year. May 2015 be a great one for all of you! xx


52-3A52“A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2014.”
I can’t believe we are at week 52. A full year of portraits – a year of fun, tantrums, kisses, Ninja Turtles, and endless toddler love.



This year we actually sent out holiday cards – yippee! I don’t know what happened last year. Laziness? Not enough time? Either way, postable made it super easy and convenient for us and we just love how our card turned out!

Postable is genius. Once you set up your account, your address book is saved and you can access it for all future cards and invitations. You can choose to have your cards delivered to your home to personally mail them out or if you are like me, you can choose to have them mail them all for you. Yes! There’s still time to send New Years cards for all the procrastinators out there!

You can see a few more of our outtakes here. Because Lucas was thrilled to hold up a giant wreath. Thanks for sitting still for mamas vision my little love and thank you again to postable for making our holiday card giving a breeze this year.
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