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October. Apple picking month! We headed off to Warwick, NY to visit Ochs Orchard – about a two hour drive outside of the city – and it was wonderful. Lucas had a blast exploring and eating apples that were pretty much the most delicious of all the apples in New York (really!). He loved running up and down the orchard and helping us select the best ones to take home. Needless to say he slept like a dream that night and we have been finding all the creative ways to chow down on our seemingly endless supply of apples at home.                                                  On Lucas: hoodie c/o little boogaweezin | beanie c/o kira kids


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Last Sunday was perfect. I woke up one day last week and decided I wanted to go row boating in Central Park. 29 years in this city and I had never been. I told Ivan that it was a “I need to cross this off my bucket list before I’m 30” kinda thing and he happily obliged. We woke up, walked to The Boat House, and got it done. It was magical and hilarious. Magical in only the way New York City can be. Sometimes it stops me in my tracks, this gorgeous city. Hilarious because rowing those boats are not easy and well, Ivan got a pretty decent work out with those oars. Those biceps are making me all sorts of school girl giddy 😉 Well worth it my love! Lucas had a blast until he didn’t. He lasted a solid 45 minutes on the boat before declaring “time to go home”. Well then.My boys sure know how to make this mama happy. Boating with the boys – the best.


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That bed head. Your raspy, morning voice. The light flooding our living room. The way you request your leche. The way you refuse to drink it out of any bottle except your purple one that really should be thrown away. The grasp you have on all three of your bobos (pacis). Those cheeks that are covered in dried toddler drool. Those cheeks I could kiss over and over. The warmth of your hugs. The way you request “paaaaaw patrol mama”.

Early mornings with my boy.


Even when our mornings consist of lots of lazy hangs we can usually muster up the energy to make our way out in the afternoon. Oh Saturday. You are the perfect balance and the perfect day for us as a family. We got our act together and cruised to the park. I can’t get enough of the perfect weather. Just the right amount of chill to make you feel all the cozy feelings. Ya know? I also wanted to talk a bit about Lucas’s perfect little beanie. Hand made by one of the sweetest mamas (hands down on this one) I have had the pleasure of getting to know. Jen is a mom and founder of Prjona Plym. She hand knits her beanies with so much love and Lucas’s “I Will Shine” hat is a favorite of mine. It’s a gift I will treasure. You can shop more of her hats here. “Free Sprit” is another fave. I good!                                                 hot dog raglan c/o kira kids | trousers c/o no sweet kids | boots c/o bogs  


Bits and pieces of my home. I am a sucker for small, pretty details! Black and white prints (XO and Luck) from Mono Mini Prints

Ice cream print c/o Hugo Loves Tiki

Framed shots of a pregnancy that seems so long ago (and a pretty little lady plant from my mama in

The view that never gets old.

Lucas’s lap tray for coloring and playing. This belonged to my aunts mother in England! One of our most special possessions.

Art by Lucas León.


My deer head that needs some flowers in those bare ears. I’m thinking of adding eucalyptus.


My sweet, sweet boy is almost three. How on Earth this happened so quickly, I have no idea. A few things I want to remember:

The terrible two’s really do exist (or maybe I want to forget this one..who knows..). Lucas is fiery and wears every emotion on his sleeve. He has taken to screaming at Ivan and I quite ferrociously when things don’t go his way. I have quickly learned to stay calm when these screaming fits happen and sit him in a time out. He is fully capable of understanding why he is in time out and we talk about what he did wrong when he’s allowed to get up. Then we exchange a hug and kiss and all is well in the world. But seriously, it’s kind of mind blowing how much we are able to communicate with Lucas.

Just how loving he is. Lucas has always been affectionate and continues to dish out kisses like nobodies business. The way he murmurs “okkkkkk mommyyyy” and “I loveeee youuuu” makes me melt into a mom puddle.

The wit on this boy! He is the ultimate ham and knows just how to bat those lashes or crack a joke to lighten the mood. His giggle could cure the worst case of the blues.

Solo play. This month he has taken to playing on his own for long periods of time which he has never done before. He sits in his room and creates scenarios with his Ninja Turtles – voices and all. He’s becoming so independent and it terrifies me yet makes me so incredibly proud.

He has been an incredibly picky eater for a while now. These days he’s all about hot dogs and chicken nuggets. I have successfully been able to trick into thinking ALL chicken is “nuggets” and am constantly cooking different varieties of chicken to make up for the lack of diversity in his palette. Oh, carrots and corn. These are his two most requested sides.

Lucas can count to ten in english and five in spanish. He also sings a pretty killer off key rendition of the ABC’S. Some other important stuff he has memorized? Every single character of the Ninja Turtles.

In short, two has been a crazy, kiss filled, epic tantrum, milestone filled year. Lucas León you are my star. I look forward to every year with you.

You can see more of Lucas’s look this week over on babiekins! The top photo is a new favorite of mine. 
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