
35:52 35:52 (lillie)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: You are proving to be the best big brother. You love to run and grab me diapers (you have no idea what a big help this is!) and you are always kissing, loving, and poking (!!) your little sister. Today you said “look at how pretty baby Lillie is!”.

Lillie: 4 weeks already! You are so alert and make the most awesome faces (when you’re awake.. ;). We just love you so much our little Sol.

Portraits this week taken by my dear Mary Grace


34:5234:52 (lillie)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: You start pre-k in less than 3 weeks and I’m truly in denial over what a big boy you are. This week we are going to buy your back to school supplies (I tradition I always loved) and get ready for the big day by soaking in these last few weeks of summer!

Lillie: You have passed your birth weight and I couldn’t be more proud! I’m also pretty darn impressed at my body and the ability to nourish you. We spend a good chunk of our days snuggled up together and nursing and I think you love it as much as I do.


33:5233:52 (lillie)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: You have been proving to be the absolute best/funniest big brother. The other day you poked Lillie gently and declared you were “listening to her brain”.

Lillie: We are in newborn heaven with you. My little dream baby – you nurse, sleep, poop, and stare at us with wide eyed doe eyes. It can’t get any better.


32:52 (1) 32:52 (2) 32:52 (3)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

MY KIDS! These shots were taken at 10pm on the first night we were all home together as a family. Life is pretty darn good and I’m feeling so very blessed.


31:5231:52 (lillie)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: The last week of just you and I, kid. You are proving to be the best big brother!

Lillie: This is our last bump portrait taken at exactly 39 weeks. I was in early labor here with contractions coming in at 8-10 minutes apart. You were born the next day!


30:52 30:52(1) 30:52(bebe)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: Your dad and I bought you a turtle blimp as a “big brother” gift and I can’t wait to see your reaction when you open it. I’m keep imaging  how it will be when you meet your sister for the first time and it’s just going to be so surreal seeing the two of you together. Soon my love!

Bebe: We are about to enter the one week countdown and we just can’t wait to have you in our arms. Braxton hicks are in full effect as is heart burn and back pain. You are getting ready for your debut and with each practice contraction I feel one step closer to you.

nightie c/o belabumbum 


29:52 29:52(lillie) 29:52(lillie1)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: You’ve been calling me “mamaaaaaaa” instead of “mommyyyyy” lately in the sweetest, most adorable voice and well…what can I say except you know how to make me melt.

Bebe: 2 weeks and 4 days left until your due date my sweet little one! There’s a full moon at the end of the month and I’m wondering whether you will make an early appearance.


28:5228:52  (lillie)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: You are asking when the baby is coming. Sometimes you announce “in 3 hours mama!” (which freaks me out!) and other times you are right on the ball with “3 weeks!”.

Bebe: Your movements are becoming more wave like rather than vigorous kicking and the doctor assured me all is well..you just don’t have as much room anymore in your comfy, temporary home. 36 weeks and counting!



Processed with VSCOcam with a4 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with a4 preset
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: Yesterday you stuck a blanket up your shirt and announced that your baby sister was in your belly and she was kicking and tumbling. You also said you were very comfortable which led me to believe you really know nothing about pregnancy ;).

Bebe: I checked my pregnancy app today and kind of almost lost it when I read “4 weeks, 4 days left”. Time is flying and everyone is anxious, excited, and so ready to meet you baby girl.



25:52 25:52(lillie)“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lucas: My threenager – you still have tender, baby moments that I cherish. You still drink your morning and night milk from a bottle and although I know it’s time to take it away I can’t help but get all emotional. It feels as though it’s one of the last “babyish” things left about you. We registered you for pre-k last week and you are truly becoming such a big boy.

Bebe: You’re as big as a honeydew melon and we have 6 weeks left to go. Apparently you’re going to be packing on the pounds. Take it easy on your mama sweet girl!

dress c/o a pea in the pod 

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