Lucas understood the concept of halloween this year and chose his own costume (surprise surprise ;). In the weeks leading up to the big day he became fascinated with all the spooky decorations in our apartment building and would make me stop to check out the skeletons, ghosts, and witches. He absolutely loved it all! We practiced our very best “trick or treat” and I felt like we were all ready to head out on Friday. That is until we weren’t. We headed out to take a few photos and by the time we got back into the building – a whopping ten minutes later – he refused to go out and collect his candy. I mean. Say what?! And by refuse I mean he had an epic tantrum that resulted in him trying to rip his costume off. So you know what. I stripped him into his diaper, he ate some pop rocks, and the adults had some wine. We always have next year. Hope you all had a blast this holiday. Now bring on the Christmas carols and Santa!
It’s toddler superman! Sheesh I love this kid and the joy he brings to my life. How cool is he? We had such a great time strolling the East side as superhero’s (I was super mom ;). It’s Sunday and Halloween is over but I just had to share these photos. In total, Lucas got to dress up in 3 costumes – Andy Warhol, Superman, and Jesse Pinkman. Ivan might or might not be planning next years get up already. Yoda anybody? Hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween week! Let the Thanksgiving and Holiday (yikes!) festivities begin.